Sunday, February 24, 2008

Trips to England

In 1989, Mary went to England to visit our friend Victoria. While she was there, Robert Worby taped a few songs with Mary singing and playing a very out-of-tune autoharp. Here's Swimming in the Trees.

In 1991, Mary and I went over to promote 'Alcohol is a Cheap Perfume', just out on Snat records. We did a little radio tour in lieu of a honeymoon (having just been married). I played electric bass. Rob Worby was our chaperone and guitarist. Here's a broadcast recording of Las Vegas, not real listenable but there you go.


Hairy Soap said...

This is the most criminally underrated band I know of. I wasn't yet a teenager when Wannabe Texans were playing, but I caught on later and I sure wish I could have seen you all play.

I spun country records every Thursday night at a bar in Santa Barbara a few years back, and made a point to play a song or two off of "AIACP" regularly. Lots of people asked about it, but I had to tell them they were out of luck. Too late, but check ebay. Maybe some of them have found this site. Thanks for the updates, and I look forward to seeing more.

Who knows? Maybe a reunion? Just maybe? One can dream.

Oakland, CA

Unknown said...

Hey Brad,
Here's an aside praising the WBT's album in the comments section of the Chronicle' interview w. Penelope:

"Maybe they can also reissue The Wannabe Texans' 'Alcohol is a Cheap Perfume.' That's another criminally forgotten Bay Area band who were ahead of their time."

Great seeing y'all perform at Red Hill Books last year.

/Don Hines