Saturday, December 15, 2007

Alcohol is a Cheap Perfume

Album available again for download:

The hinges broke on our old titanium powerbook, so I don't like to move it... but hopefully, over the holiday break, I will take it down to the basement and record a few more songs off the old cassette tapes.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Last show, 11-16-91

The last Wannabe Texans show was at the Paradise Lounge. We played the first set with no drummer, and for the second set, Tim Vaughan aka 'the Professor' joined us on drums. Wally brought a wheel of fortune for contestants to spin. We gave away t-shirts, records, and a cake. We were having a great time that night, and didn't want to stop. The club finally pulled the plug on us. We kept on playing, without electricity. The Paradise Lounge guy was yelling that we would never play the Paradise again. I'm sorry that the tape ran out before the end, but here are a few songs that did get preserved on a low-quality cassette:

Tank was Greg's favorite Wannabe Texans song. This seems to be the only recording ever made of it. Forgiven is another song that I can't find any other recordings of.
Like I Do was played often, but seldom recorded. Penelope Houston did a cover of it.
Goin' There Again is a Weenie Roast song that we did.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I don't think anyone's reading this, but I'm going to keep putting stuff up here anyway. This is a later picture of the band. I can tell, because the face turned away from the camera is Rick Vena's; he played drums towards the end. The rest, clockwise, are Matt S., Matt R., Mary, Wally, and myself.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

flyers galore

figured i should scan these before i misplace them again - - there are still a few more somewhere. Not that it matters but I like seeing them all together.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Two songs not recorded anywhere else that I know of: Heaven and Rebecca, at the Hotel Utah, 12-2-89.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Fallen Man, Ballad of the Wannabe Texans

I did some digging around and found some good quality cassettes that Wally made for me a couple of years ago. There's enough material to keep this going for a long time!

Here are two early songs recorded at Greg Freeman's studio, right where the Giant's ball park is today. Things have changed in many ways, but I still like these:
Ballad of the Wannabe Texans
Fallen Man

I played electric bass, Kirk van Loon played drums, and as I recall, Wally hadn't joined the band yet. The two Matts were playing guitar and and co-writing songs with Mary.

Next: some live recordings.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

some flyers

Our basement flooded a couple of weeks ago, and I found some of these flyers soaking in a cardboard box. One good thing about putting these on the internet is that they'll be dry here.
Most are from '87, by Mary; a couple might be '88. I drew the one with the flower.

Pictures are easier for me to post than MP3s are, but I'll find some more music for next time.